The Curious Case of the Indian Spy
By Senator Sehar Kamran (TI) April 10, 2016 “All Members shall refrain in their international relations from the threat or use of force against the territorial integrity or political independence of any State, or in any other manner inconsistent with the Purposes of the United Nations.”–Article 2(4), United Nations Charter. On 27th March 2016, a…
Nature’s tryst with post-caliphate Islam in the modern era
With the attack on Brussels, the EU and NATO Headquarters; a vicious outlook of Islamism has come to the fore that has spurred an uncanny reaction by Muslims who are questioning the fact that why is it that it is only the adherers of Islam who are resorting to violence but the world has not…
The Nuclear Security Summit & Pakistan
By Senator Sehar Kamran (TI) March 30, 2016 As the final Nuclear Security Summit (NSS) approaches this week, all eyes will be trained on not only the outcomes of the Washington Summit, but also on an appraisal of what the process has achieved over the course of the four summits. The laudableinitiative by President Obama has…
Women Promoting Peace,Rights &Unity in Diversity Speech
Complete speech of President Centre for Pakistan and Gulf Studies CPGS, Senator Sehar Kamran (TI) at UN CSW on ‘Women Promoting Peace,Rights &Unity in Diversity’